Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Here are some pics from my lastest show...TOSCA! I am a choir boy and it has been fun to do a pants role. Six of us "girls" from the chorus are beefing up the sound of 15 "real boys" from the Madeline Choir School. Here is what the SLC Tribune had to say,"The unbilled Madeleine Choir School chorister who sang the role of the shepherd boy Saturday earned special mention for his clear, unaffected singing, as did his classmates for the natural charm they brought to their roles in the church scene. " Wooohooo...us "girls" think that includes us too..It has been fun to rub shoulders with these funny little boys. My favorite moment was in chorus warm-ups before our first dress rehersal. One of the real boys saw me in my wig and costum for the first time..his eyes got huge and he did a double take as he exclaimed .."Whow!" It was priceless and perfect and totally made my night.

1 comment:

ericareynolds said...

I have to admit, I was feeling a little nervous wondering if you'd chopped your hair off for this role. Looks like fun!