Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Reaching for the Stars!

Since Mikie hasn't let anyone know - I guess it is up to me! Mikie will be sworn into the Bar on Friday at 4:30 pm. Judge Acuda (sp) will perform the ceremony. After 19 years of school and an excrutiating bar exam, he has finally climbed over the ivy wall and landed firmly on the other side! Way to go son, we are proud of you! I wish we could be there to witness the event!

I can't believe I figured out how to do this! (I only had to call Angie once.)


Angie said...

Way to go Mikie!! I wish we could all be there to see your Esquire made offical. You will have to tell all about the ceramony.

ericareynolds said...

Congratulations Mikie!! We are so proud of you. You've always been a "Esq." in our books!