Thursday, June 18, 2009

Addie's B-day!

Birthday Extravaganza!
Addie was all about princess' this year! I tried to talk her into a castle cake, but she had to have Belle. So...there she is complete with tin foil crown ( not my best effort), but Addie was I take that as success. We had a few of her little friends over for cake and homemade ice cream. The kids loved trying to break open the crown pinata. It was really funny to watch...of course we ended up having to help things along. It was great to see Addie's excitiment and reaction to all the feastivities.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Guess who are "Real" Parents now!

No more dropping the kids off at Mom and Dad's and pretending we are young and childless, as we drive around in our compact, gas friendly, "we could still be single car". We have succumb to the allure of the Minivan. Sliding doors that open with the click of a button, built in kid sitter (DVD), and enough cargo space to haul the stroller and the groceries( even if we go to Costco). I have to admit I have been very reluctant to take this step and for years. Justin has been the one spouting the merits of this family friendly vehicle, but when we were out shopping and Justin wanted a SUV...I just couldn't give up those sliding doors!!! So, now I say to the world....HEY! I'M A MOM! and I have the stretch marks and minivan to prove it!