Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ella loses a tooth...and it's really gone!

Ella was eating lunch today when she bit into something "crunchy", swallowed and continued to eat her sandwich. She decided that she would trick Kate and tell her that she lost her tooth. When Kate wanted to see the evidence, Ella refused on the grounds that her sandwich was good and she would show her "later." Then, Kate, always a seeker of truth watched carefully as Ella ate and then hollered, "Mom, she really did lose it!" To everyone's surprise, no one more so than Ella, her tooth was indeed missing. After some frantic searching, we decided that the crunchy morsel that Ella ate was her tooth. After some initial tears, realizing that she would not have the evidence to show the tooth fairy(Ella has been anticipating for days how this tooth will solve her cash flow problems) we decided that a picture and a note to the fairy explaining what happened should be sufficent to get the desired result. We will keep you posted but I'm fairly certain that even the tooth fairy won't be able to resist this one!


Angie said...

Ella congrats on the tooth! I'm sure the tooth fairy will pay up!

Ira said...


Wow, Burrito I can't believe that you lost a tooth. What are you going to do with loot?