Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bye, Bye Binky and other randomness

So, we finally mailed Addie's binky's to the Binky Fairy. She is a the whimsical creature that gives binky's that big girls no longer need (or at least their parents think they no longer need...because if you talk to the big girl she isn't so sure) to little babies that need them. The Binky Fairy is great. You mail her your binky's and then she mails you back a big suprise. Addie got a Mickey Mouse video which she adores. However, she doesn't love sleeping without her number 1 comforter. But trauma we encouter at nap time and bedtime is slowly one can only hope that in the near future sleeptime will be drama free.
Random...cute photos...Jake is creeping right along and about ready to take off crawling like a mad man. He just needs a little motivation like your cell phone on the floor to get him going. He is quite the little chow hound and I swear already has a hollow leg. I doubt that I will ever be able to keep my fridge stocked when he is a teenager.
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ericareynolds said...

Ah, they are so cute. Thanks for posting.

Tamie said...

ah...getting rid of the the ever present pacifier.
that is ALWAYS cause for some drama in a household. we just gradually weaned our boys off of them. and then with jack, we started limiting it to only when he was in walking around trying to understand a toddler with something in their mouth---its hard enough w/out a pacifier to muddle it :)

Lindsay said...

I love the binky fairy!! I can't wait to tell the kids about that...they will giggle! Carpet in the basement! We need to have you guys over!

Julia Callahan said...

Cool Binky fairy idea!! Jake is getting so big! Sure miss hearing from ya. Hope life's great.

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