Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What I've Been Up To

Playing with my new camera.
Entertaining (and loving it)
Kayla and Heather (with Christoffer in tow).

Grading papers (at least I can do it in the sunshine).

Alright, mi familia. What have you been up to?


Angie said...

Hey...I posted two videos about the Grapes of Wrath...I've been blogging. I love the photos..Hope to see you soon:)

lori said...

Can I Pleeeeeaaaaaase come and visit you someday too??
And can I comment on this blog? Will your family mind horribly?
I love these glimpses at your life. I miss you right now, my friend.

chayes said...

So this is the famous Chris!! Very cute! Hey, Lori, of course you can comment on this blog. You are one of the family!

ericareynolds said...

Why do I have to turn my head different ways to see the pictures??